# System Workflows

This document describes dependencies in activities when using the StudyBuilder system. This is done in a series of activity diagrams followed by a short description of each activity.

This is a break down from the overall system data flows described (add link). When applicable links will be provided to the system user guides.

# Overall system activities

The StudyBuilder system covers the following overall activities:

StudyBuilder System Workflows

# Maintain Administrative Definitions

To be made

# Maintain Library Definitions

To be made

# Maintain Study Definitions

Within the "Studies" part of the OpenStudyBuilder, metadata for the studies can be created and managed. In the current release the focus is on the study setup and management to support the protocol process.

Maintain Study Definitions

Activity Dependencies and prerequisites
Create Study
Creates a new study definition, or study sub part.
User must have 'Study Set-up User' access permission.
The related 'Clinical Programme' and 'Project' codes must be defined within the administrative module.
Select Study
Select the study to be defined.
Study must exist.
List Studies
List all draft, released and locked studies in one table and deleted studies on a seperate.
Studies in draft, released or locked state can be selected.
Core attributes for studies in draft status can be edited (same edit of core attributes as under manage study).

# Manage Study

To be made

# Define Study

Define Study

The user must have 'Study Set-up User' access permission to add or edit any data for all activities under Define Study. All other access permissions will only enable display of data under Define Study.

Activity Dependencies and prerequisites
Study Titel Must be defined before a study can be locked.
Registry Identifiers At the moment only specific registry identifiers can be defined.
Study Properties
Study Type Sponsor defined extensions to the CDISC code lists for 'Trial Type' or 'Study Phase Classification' (Trial Phase) may be needed. Other terminologies on this page is not extensible.
Study Atributes Sponsor defined extensions to the CDISC code lists for 'Study Intent Type' (Trial Intent Type), 'Intervention Model' or 'Study Blinding Schema' (Trial Blinding Schema) may be needed. Other terminologies on this page is not extensible.
Study Structure
Study Arm Extensions for the sponsor code list 'Arm Type' may be needed.
Study Branches Related Study Arm must be defined before a study branch arm can be made.
Study Cohorts
Study Elements
Study Epochs
Study Visits
Study Design Matrix
Study Population
Study Criteria
Inclusion Criteria
Exclusion Criteria
Run-in Criteria
Randomisation Criteria
Dosing Criteria
Study Interventions
Study Compounds
Study Compound Dosing
Study Other Interventions
Study Purpose
Study Objectives
Study Endpoints
Study Estimands
Study Activities
Study Activities
Study Activity Instances
Detailed SoA
Protocol SoA
SoA Footnotes
Activity Instuctions

# View Specifications

To be made

# View Listings

To be made

# Down Stream Usage

To be made